วันอังคารที่ 31 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

How to Build Shoulder Muscles - Three Effective Workouts to Help You

If you want to know how to build shoulder muscles, be aware that your shoulder is actually a "ball and socket" joint, similar to that of your hips. Perhaps the only difference is that your shoulders are more sensitive than your hips, and are therefore prone to risks. Make sure that you train in the right form and in a multi-directional environment because this is very beneficial in decreasing the risk, and make sure to also train smart and make use of the following training exercises so your muscles will really grow.

Note: I seriously believe that you should build you arm first prior to aiming for shoulders. See a useful tips about that on building biceps.

Trapezoid Training

The trapezoid, also being referred as trapezius, are large muscles that extend from the back of your neck going to the right and in the middle portion of your back. The trapeziod work along with your arms, shoulders and your back and moves the shoulder blades when you perform shrugging, pushing forward and throwing. But this training is best performed by shrugging, because shrugging has the ability to put more bulk in your muscles and shoulder area.

The most common mistake that people do when shrugging is circling the shoulders, which is actually not a necessary. You just simply shrug your shoulders as high as they, pausing for a second and then letting the shoulder girdle to fall a little bit slowly. There is a more intense type of shrugging and that is the overhead shrugging, which involves holding a barbell overhead and then lifting the entire shoulder girdle, slowly bringing the shoulders towards the ear area.

Deltoid Training

Another training exercise for building shoulder muscles is the deltoid training. The deltoid muscle works by raising the arm away from your body and does this both in the front, as well as on the side and back area. The deltoid is a striated muscle, one that wraps around the shoulder joint going to the front, as well as on the side and back area.

People often make a mistake of doing shoulder presses right behind the neck when doing deltoid training. This is not actually the right way of how to build shoulder muscles because this could pose a lot of risk. The right method is to perform shoulder presses either when standing or sitting.

Superset Shoulder Exercises

In order to be more successful with building your shoulder muscles, try to perform heavy barbell shoulder presses and superset it with a light dumbbell shoulder press. And another way of doing superset is by completing all ten sets in the front, and ten sets on the side and then doing back raise exercises without pausing. The clean-and-press is already a superset on its own, but make sure to shrug during the clean and press and make use of those delts when lifting the bar overhead.

Whatever we do, we can no longer do anything to change our bone structure on our shoulder area. Learning how to build shoulder muscles is perhaps, the only practical way to achieve an increased muscle mass on your shoulders. But aside from performing all the shoulder muscles training exercises mentioned above, you should also be careful with your diet - eat right, and always eat healthy! Check out what you must prioritize at what to eat to gain muscles. Better yet, see the most recommended program in muscle building on Vince's No Nonsense Muscle Building.

Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/bodybuilding-articles/how-to-build-shoulder-muscles-three-effective-workouts-to-help-you-4729632.html#ixzz1Nvp9hDj5
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