วันอังคารที่ 31 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Best Bodybuilding Training Pain Relief

My mate said that he went to a guy in the next town, a highly qualified osteopath that apparently was very good at his job. I made an appointment AND I was shitting myself silly. I had an idea as to what happened, but although I was a bit apprehensive, I was getting to the point where I was in so much pain - well it hurt!

I arrived at the clinic and was impressed at the place - verrrrrry posh, suited me fine as I am one of the worst kind of snobs that you can get - a working class self made snob- yep, I love it to - fuck em!

I was shown into the guys treatment room by this lovely girl, who I might add wanted to sleep with me, in fact all of her mates wanted to sleep with me, even the post woman wanted to sleep with me, even ....... I woke up to be shown to a nice treatment room and was introduced to the guy.

He asked quite a few questions, as apparently is the case on your first visit, and then he asked me to strip down to my shorts. Now fuck off and remember that I am awake here - ahem! Well, after he got over his shock at my fantastic physique and him stopping himself from wishing he was me a million times, he then got to work!

He twisted, pulled, bent, stretched, massaged and literally threw me about the room (well almost) and his diagnosis was this. He said that it could have been quite a few years ago, but he said that what I had done, through squatting, was that because I always had the bar fairly low on my shoulders (which you could have), at some stage during a session, he said that I must have jumped or threw the weighted bar higher on my back, you know to get it comfortable. OR, during a squat, I must have twisted my hips as I was straining - result - now get this............

My right leg WAS nearly ONE INCH shorter than my LEFT leg due to my hip joint being twisted near out of joint - can you believe that! Not only that, on my upper spine, just below my neck, I had no less than FIVE vertebrae out of place, which must have been thrown out during said squatting! Now do I hear you say -load a bollocks! Not a prayer me old mates, no way. My back, before I went in was absolutely killing me, the pain was so much I had to sit down a few times whilst on my way to the Osteo - it was that bad! After the visit? I walked out of there WITH NO PAIN ! All I could feel was a little aching where he had put back the bones. The man had done it. I could stand without pain and that in itself was great!

I wonder how many of you out there have had a similar problem like mine and been sent the wrong way either by your own ignorance or simply by putting up with the pain. I can tell you that it was such a surprise to find out that I was so "out of shape" - literally, and to be able to just click it back into place was, to me, quite amazing. The pain relief was actually that quick.

I do realise that there will be so many people out there who have been, and will be, putting up with the pains of such injuries and afflictions that can be so easily sorted (in many cases) in such a short time.

Actually, I consulted our resident osteopath, Les Bailey and he outlined the ease of fixing such a problem. He also explained that there are so many different types that were not so quick, but took a period of treatments before they could be sorted.

If you have any similar problems with your lower back, then please write in to us and we will try and assist if possible. You never know, you could be on the way to a very quick "mend" before you know it - I know I was.

Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/bodybuilding-articles/best-bodybuilding-training-pain-relief-4641716.html#ixzz1Nvx9yca9
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution

