วันอังคารที่ 31 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Go easy way liposuction to lose weight

recent years, major cities have tens of thousands of people to join the “liposuction to lose weight” in the ranks, one female, of course, men also have belly protruding, many good young girl figure not far behind, and even many children. The face of “liposuction lose weight” of the frenzy, many people are eager. Medical experts advise, and want to achieve weight loss goals liposuction to be careful, or should not work too hard.
■ liposuction without weight loss
liposuction for people who want to should have a concept of Liposuction is the only certain parts of the body to eliminate fat, to improve the body curves as the most important goal, to take account of health and safety of surgery, not for weight loss goals. For the body is too obese, doctors and nutrition experts should be asked to find the right way to lose weight, relying on a balanced diet and appropriate exercise to achieve weight loss without the results of health hazards in some parts of it do not go consumption, plus on the help of liposuction, in order to achieve the perfect body.
■ liposuction pumping away the dangers of obesity
a new study found that the United States , liposuction surgery can help people lose weight, and health problems caused by obesity such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, prevention and improvement of no effect. Liposuction can only be deprived of the obese subcutaneous fat, which is the smallest threat to the health of fat.
Animal experiments showed that visceral fat accumulation in the culprit is causing high blood cholesterol, which reduce the body fat deposits deep insulin sensitivity, increase people’s risk of diabetes risk. they may also secrete substances that can cause inflammation and thus lead to cardiovascular disease. These substances can also go directly to the liver, the liver, the body can not properly control blood sugar and cholesterol levels. at most only a plastic surgery liposuction, there is no role in promoting health.
■ liposuction easily undermine the subcutaneous tissue
way to do liposuction surgery site in the cut a small hole, the liposuction tube is put into the fat layer, and then use the negative pressure liposuction machine to suck out the fat. Traditional liposuction liposuction surgery is the use of high vacuum mode, the subcutaneous fat liposuction suction tube, the use of pipe before and after liposuction the fat scraped off and then twitch out, in addition to destruction of fat cells, but also easy to destroy other subcutaneous tissue, compared with surgery easy bleeding, bruising easily generated.
surgery patients are sometimes afraid of excessive bleeding can not be drawn too much fat, is also more pain after surgery, and, because of liposuction tube diameter thick, the site will be limited liposuction, smoked the site also likely to have uneven phenomenon.
■ liposuction, the probability of complications is small but still difficult to avoid
if liposuction improper medical treatment during weight loss, complications will inevitably occur, and once complications, difficult to treat, and sometimes lead to belly rugged case.
According to statistics, over the past five years, in the United States for cosmetic surgery by a qualified physician who carried out the liposuction surgery, approximately 1 in every 5,000 people were due to surgery complications died. China in recent years led to the improper liposuction complications and even death in some cases also occurred.
■ not all are suitable for liposuction, weight loss can not be a drawn out of the
major liposuction for obese people to those local, such as women, especially postpartum abdominal fat accumulation, lower leg and thigh of local mast, arm fat accumulation, etc., but not suitable for minors and the elderly.
children’s physical development is not perfect, body fat number is not constant. if the blind, liposuction, fat not only can cause a rebound, but also undermines children’s growth cycle, hazardous to health.
occur secondary to other diseases secondary to obesity, to be treated for primary disease, nor is the scope of liposuction surgery.
systemic severe obesity, hypertension, coronary heart disease, renal dysfunction, high cholesterol, high blood sugar, pulmonary insufficiency and coagulopathy people who are surgical contraindications by the column.
Therefore, liposuction, we must fully consider the good and to seek professional medical advice.
Source: 39 Health Net
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