วันอังคารที่ 31 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

10 Easy Tips to Stay Motivated in the Gym-OurBodySystem

1. Plan Your Workout
Have set days and times to workout. If you set those times then you can begin to get excited about your workout before hand. Think about it!! Am I doing a full body workout or am I gonna do sections? If you are doing full body, what are you going to work on first? Its always important to know what your next move in the gym is, that way you don't lose any momentum.

2. Know Your Gonna Give Your Best!
Great things happen when you choose to tell yourself look "I'm gonna give my all NO matter what!!" because, when you come at yourself with high expectations, you don't want to let yourself down and so you rise to meet and most likely exceed your goals!

3. Learn
Do as much research as you can on the things that interest you the most in the gym. For instance if your having trouble forming your lower abdominal muscles then, you need to research ways to tighten them up. Search Google, Youtube, bodybuilding.com, etc. Find content related to your fitness goals and teach yourself about it. This will keep you excited to try new things in the gym.

4. Find a Workout Partner
Its always more enjoyable to have another person with common interests around. I have a friend that I work out with and every time I go with him I can tell the difference in my workout from the previous time when I was by myself. I think when someone is with you, you want to make sure that you are not the one to stop first! Haha, sad but true. Plus you have someone who can push you a little farther than you can push yourself. A voice in your ear telling you to go the distance.

5. Pre-Workout Supplements
This is not a recommendation for people new to body building. This is one that I personally do and it does wonders for my motivation in the gym. I use a pre-workout powder drink called Muscle Spike. It gives me awesome long lasting energy! Maximizes my PUMPS LIKE YOU WOULD"NT BELIEVE!! And actually doesn't taste too bad.

6. Lookin Good
We go to the gym so that we can get in better shape and hopefully render us more attractive!!! When you know your about to do something important and you want look a little better in your shirt tonight, hit the gym and get your swell on!! Im guilty of going to the gym for a quick 45 minutes to an hour for a little confidence booster to start your evening off with.

7. Be Ready
Always be ready to go to the gym when you can. Keep a bag in your car so that you will always have a change of clothes and shoes to go in. This is also good if you take any supplements or need to drink any protein so that you can keep those things in your bag and have them on hand too.

8. Keep Track
Make sure you keep track of all your metrics so that you can see your improvements. Measure your arms, chest, waist, neck, etc. and check your weight. There are also some really cool fitness calculators that can help you keep track of your calories burned per day, body fat percentage, BMI, etc.

Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/bodybuilding-articles/10-easy-tips-to-stay-motivated-in-the-gym-ourbodysystem-4723236.html#ixzz1NvrM2a5o
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