วันอังคารที่ 31 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

3 Simple Drinks To Enhance Your Muscle Building Effort

If you want to know the kind of drinks to gain weight and build muscles, well you are in the right place. On this article, you will learn several different kinds of drinks that you can easily prepare in your kitchen and these drinks won't cost you a lot. Contrary to what others think, high-priced protein powders are actually safe to drink, but if you want to be able to control the flavor as well as the nutrient content of your drink, then it is better that you prepare it on your own, instead of using a protein powder for it. But remember that these drinks isn't the only mandatory supplements for bodybuilder, see the 4 primary supplements on best weight gainer supplements.

Protein Drinks

Although most fitness experts would recommend solid foods when it comes to consuming protein for muscle building, drinking protein rich drinks is also being recommended. While protein drinks do not have any magical properties to increase your muscle mass in an instant, it contains a nutritional value that is equivalent to that of a chicken breast. However, expect that your protein drink won't turn out to be as delicious as that of a chicken, but it is guaranteed to deliver the same nutritional content.

To prepare your own protein drink, get a scoop of a protein powder of your choice and mix it to a 150-ml skim milk. Mix all the ingredients and pour over a blender. In a few minutes you will have a tasty and very nutritious protein drink.

Carbohydrate Drinks

Drinks that are high in carbohydrate content are the best drinks to gain weight and also helps a lot in increasing muscle mass. But remember that not all drinks that are rich in carbohydrates are also beneficial to our health. The main advantage of drinking these kinds of drinks is that they are very helpful in increasing our level of energy, which is a must in performing our muscle building exercises.

When preparing carbohydrate enriched drinks, jus mix up your favorite fruits to any of your favorite fruit shakes. Simply blend all your favorite fruits together and add it to a shake, but bear in mind that doing this won't allow you to control the nutrient contents of the shake. Therefore, it is best that you prepare your carbohydrate shake from scratch using a blender such as a banana with milk, or you can come up with a combination of some of your favorite fruits.

Low Fat Milk Drinks

There is no doubt that milk is one of the best muscle building foods in the whole world. The protein in milk is actually eighty percent whey and twenty percent casein, and both of these nutrients are high-quality proteins and known as a "fast protein" due to its ability to quickly break down into amino acids and be absorbed to the bloodstream. Therefore, low fat milk drinks are best to be consumed right after your workout.

{To get the most nutrients out of milk, while consuming only a few amount of fat and calories, always go for fat-free milk, like skim milk and low-fat milk drinks. In order to get the most out of your milk drink, always go for low fat milk such as skim milk.} Try to drink a glass of milk each meal and do this more than three times each day.If you are someone who loves chocolate a lot, you may drink low-fat chocolate milk drinks and still enjoy all the same nutritious benefits.

So the next time you hit the gym, try to bring along any of the drinks to gain weight mentioned above.These quick and easy to prepare nutritious drinks will help to feed your muscles when they need it the most. There are no other better ways of feeding your muscles after a strenuous workout than by drinking a glass of your favorite milk! For women who try to burn off fat while building muscle, it could be intimidating to consume milk, but there's nothing to be worried of. Much more about women's bodybuilding on build muscle for women.
(ArticlesBase SC #4755272)

Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/bodybuilding-articles/3-simple-drinks-to-enhance-your-muscle-building-effort-4755272.html#ixzz1NviwcxWR
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