วันอังคารที่ 31 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Weight Loss Tips - Late Night Binge Eating

These quick weight loss tips will allow you to lose some weight and inches rapidly for a short-term purpose, such as comfortably fitting into your dress for an unexpected event coming at a short notice (say, 15 days) or looking good in your bikini during an outing on the beach.
Reduce your salt intake: During the few days you have for losing weight, reduce your salt (to be more precise, sodium) intake to minimal. This will help reduce water retention in the body, resulting in less body weight.
Satisfy your physical hunger in order to avoid emotional eating habits. Planning ahead your meals and snacks for the week helps. That way you have at home what you want and need.
Prioritize exercise. Schedule time during your day to exercise and you will speed up your fat loss. You can get a great workout in as little as 20 minutes, the key is to add short burst of intensity to your exercise session. Instead of going at a slow and steady pace alternate between one minute intervals of high intensity and one to two minute intervals of low intensity.

Customise the method by which you select foodstuff to which can help your body's health and well-being as opposed to distressing about foodstuff that could control your bodys weight. Supply your physique the nutrients it requires in order to end up and stay healthy and balanced. Back that up using exceptional physical exercise; this is a secret of rapid loss of weight.
Drink plenty of water. This will increase your Fat metabolism rate and keep your circulation system healthy. Immediately after getting from sleep in the morning, drink 500 ml of water on an empty stomach. This will cleanse your system and keep your metabolism rate high for the rest of the day
The most obvious and quick weight loss plan for many would be just not eating at all. There are also many danger flags which rise up when one thinks of fasting. But, fasting can be done in a safe manner, and there are even many health advocates who recommend a periodic fast every so often to cleanse out the system. Note that much of the weight you will lose will be that of water weight, and a fast should only be done for a short period of time, and must be done following proper guidelines of the particular type of fasting process you are following. The healthy fasting routines will always have you consuming some form of liquid and have you consuming plenty of vitamins. This can be a quick weight loss plan, but it can be very difficult and much of what you lose will be water weight.

Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/weight-loss-articles/weight-loss-tips-late-night-binge-eating-4840573.html#ixzz1NvYEUIN2
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