วันอังคารที่ 31 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

How I Discovered My Dream Job as a Personal Trainer

After finishing school, I was really stuck on the question of "what do you want to do with your life?" Many of my friends were going off to jobs in offices, but that life just didn't appeal to me. I have always loved sports and being active, and I wanted a job where I could use my body and keep fit and healthy. The idea of sitting at a desk all day just seems so boring and unhealthy to me, and I would rather have a job that keeps me active. That is when I found these great personal training courses!

A friend of mine told me about the European Institute of Fitness. They offer personal training courses that fully qualify you as a personal trainer! I thought it was a brilliant idea, and just what I was looking for. I have always loved working out and playing sports, and the thought occurred to me that I could turn that interest into a highly profitable career. I could deliver classes and personalized fitness training to people, while keeping myself active and doing what I love. The website looked great, and I discovered that they offered personal training courses on a five-week super fast track course, or an online course with a 10-day practical training component. I realized then that these personal training courses offered me a way out from my boring corporate lifestyle.

I love the idea of being a fitness instructor and personal trainer so much, that I didn't really care how much the job paid. However, my jaw dropped when I looked at the earnings page, which explains how profitable a personal training career can be! The website showed the potential earnings of these types of instructors, which were approximately £30,000 per year in rural areas, and up to twice that in cities! In London, it's said that a personal trainer can earn up to £90,000 per year! I couldn't believe it! To be this successful, I will have to work hard and come up with unique ideas for classes, but with my passion for fitness that shouldn't be hard especially with what I learn from these personal training courses.

The only thing I was worried about in my future career as a personal trainer was the business side of things. I don't really know much about business, and I wasn't sure if I would know how to promote myself as a self-employed personal trainer. I breathed a sigh of relief when I discovered that European Institute of Fitness offers a Virtual Business Coach class as well, which teaches the business skills that personal trainers need to promote themselves in the industry. There are many ways to promote yourself and your services, such as a website, blog, and writing advice columns for publications. In addition, the personal training courses I took offered a support network of fitness trainers to help me get started with my first few clients.

I am so excited to start learning about how to be a personal trainer. I think this career has a great deal of potential for me and my skills, and I am eager to learn as much as I can. The other great thing is that personal trainers are needed in fitness centres around the world, so my career will allow me to travel around! I'm so glad that I found these excellent personal training courses. The instructors are so knowledgeable, the material is exactly what I need to know, and I know that I am getting trained to do exactly what I love.

Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/sports-and-fitness-articles/how-i-discovered-my-dream-job-as-a-personal-trainer-4838375.html#ixzz1NvdGEgYL
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution

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