วันอังคารที่ 31 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Get Ripped Body With This Simple Meal Plan

Those who are aspiring to build their muscles are aware that protein is the number one nutrient necessary for the growth of their muscles. This is especially true if you are weight lifting, because your body needs more protein to aid the recovery and the building of your muscle tissue. To help you in attaining your goal of building your muscles, check out the following sample of a perfect meal plan for building muscle.

Note: keep in mind that suitable meal plan is not the only aspect in muscle building. Look at all you need to build muscle healthily on ways to gain weight healthy.

Meal 1 - Eat oatmeal or any shredded wheat and pour some milk combined with two to six pieces of eggs. To prepare for the eggs, just use half of the egg yolks and include some few slices of whole grain toast as well.

Meal 2 - Drink about eight to twelve ounces of milk paired with one half to one piece of banana. You may also grab a protein drink to sip - just prepare about one to two scoops of protein powder of your choice for your protein drink.

Meal 3 - Remember to add some lean red meat into your diet. Prepare your favorite steak meal and pair it up with a mashed potato or steamed rice. Drink a glass of up to ten ounces of milk for your drink.

Meal 4 - Devour up to two cans of tuna and pair it with a slice of whole grain wheat bread. Spread a non fat mayo on your bread and finish off your meal with a piece of banana, and of course, drink more milk.

Meal 5 - Cook yourself a large plate of pasta (about three to four ounces) and add some lean ground beef to it. Prepare a small salad afterwards, making sure to use oil and vinegar for the dressing. And again, drink about eight to ten ounces of milk.

Meal 6 - Eat more lean red meat or fowl (either chicken or turkey) and some three pieces of baked potatoes. Complete this meal with a serving of mixed vegetables and don't forget your glass of milk.

If you've noticed, the meal plan for building muscle would require that you consume a glass of milk more often. Well, this is for the fact that milk is the number one source of protein and is very important in making your body to become stronger. All those physiological stress that resulted from our intense weight training could actually cause some nitrogen loss and can only be cured by eating more protein rich foods after every two or three hours each day.

Other good sources of protein are lean red meat, chicken, dairy products, eggs and fish. If you prefer, you may also choose to drink protein supplements that have whey protein or just drink a milk with egg in it. Protein supplements that are of high quality will be absorbed better by the body and will not take long to be digested in our system. Check out the advised protein supplements to improve your muscle growth on whey protein review.

The meal plan for building muscle mentioned above is just an example, which means that you may also come up with your own meal plan. But regardless of the kind of meal plan that you plan to follow, just make sure to always eat more protein rich foods. There are no other better nutrients out there that could help to increase muscles in your body than protein. For a recommended complete program that includes thorough exercise and meal plans, see a review of muscle gaining secrets.

Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/bodybuilding-articles/get-ripped-body-with-this-simple-meal-plan-4733604.html#ixzz1Nvo4GGhu
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