วันอังคารที่ 31 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Making Money While Walking for Weight Loss

After all, any self-respecting weight loss program will have an exercise component, and it's usually the biggest drag of all. But walking for weight loss can be an, er, an exercise in ingenuity. You can actually just walk a minimum of 8,000 steps a day and lose weight, but where would you go. Sure, some days you have a lot of errands that you can do to clock in that much walking, but probably not every day. So why not get into something regular that you get paid for, and lose weight in the process.

Here are some ideas for making money while walking for weight loss

making the dog. Dog walking is a great way to get some miles under your feet while making a few bucks. It doesn't take a lot of skill, although you do have to like dogs – and picking up after them. You can advertise your services in your community center or by word of mouth. If you have your own dog, then at least you save on having someone else do it for you!

Mowing lawns. Using a hand mower can really get your blood going. Have a couple of lawns lined up every day and you save a lot on gym fees. Plus, you make some money AND help the environment by using plain ol' leg power instead of a gasoline-powered machine. Moreover, it smells great!

Flyering. There are tons of part-time work distributing flyers and the like. Just check your local classified ads and take your pick. Make sure you do at least one stretch of twenty minutes of brisk walking a day.

A simple yet brilliant concept worth its weight in gold is making money while walking for weight loss. This is just an example how you can make a weight loss program work for you in the best possible way. It's also something you can do for a long time without making it feel like a chore. Walking for weight loss will also make you feel better and improve your health in many ways.

Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/sports-and-fitness-articles/making-money-while-walking-for-weight-loss-4839447.html#ixzz1NvbNy0wt
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