วันอังคารที่ 31 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

How to Lose Belly Fat - In 6 Simple Steps

Well, listen up because I'm going to teach you a few critical tips that will drastically reduce the amount of fat on and around your belly. But first, I need to let you know that it is very important that you take these tips seriously. You're only going to burn off the fat if you work at it.

Calories are important in any weight loss plan but it isn't the only thing that matters. It is true that if you burn more calories than you consume then your body starts to convert stored fat into energy to make up for the shortfall. However you should not reduce your calorie intake too much or you'll start to lose muscle as well as fat.
Cut fried stuff- In order to lose belly fat fast you need to cut off on some foods along with proper exercise. Fried food is known to be the fastest ingredient to gaining belly fat. Fried food mostly contains empty calories which are poor in nutrient value thereby only providing you with calories and nothing else which add to your belly fat.

The next thing you have to do is flush out toxins and parasites in your body. Yes, this sounds disgusting, however, these toxins are one of the things that are keeping fat on your stomach and are keeping you completely unhealthy. So, I highly recommend you detoxify your body. You will be amazed at how quickly you'll lose inches off your stomach.

Start your day with a heavy breakfast. Your meals should get progressively lighter through the day, with dinner being your lightest meal of the day

One of the key ways of how to lose belly fat naturally is with Weight training exercises that will burn fat and help you gain muscle. You can get rid of stubborn belly fat and keep it off. Weight training raises your metabolism even after you've stopped.

Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/weight-loss-articles/how-to-lose-belly-fat-in-6-simple-steps-4840610.html#ixzz1NvR1BB9H
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