วันอังคารที่ 31 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Tips and how to grow taller exercises

Not as long as you want to be? Want to know how to increase the height a few inches? If you answered yes then read on, because of exercises will help you quickly get the height, of course! Stretching and use you to encourage your body to grow, "cheating" is to believe that it is growing. The growth in humans occurs as a result of hormone secreted by the pituitary gland in the brain known as human growth hormone. Since the exercise and stretching, your body will release their natural human growth hormone in the body and this can trigger an explosive height more! Some very useful and proven exercises to gain height is:
* Snap Weight-resistant kicking: as the name suggests, the weight-resistance of snap kick is having small weights (5 kg less than when you start or threaten to cause injury to themselves or others) attached to the ankles and carried out a series of kicks, where you can extend your legs and ankles flick off the end. This can help stretch the muscle tissue and heal it more shape. You must be very careful when using ankle weights, however, if you have osteoporosis, stiff joints, or loose or are suffering from knee or ankle injury in the past, be sure to consult a doctor before trying this method out . * Field kicking: kicking field refers to making a big kick to the business by turning the entire foot to the waist, keep a stiff leg. Make sure you do some stretches of the calf and hamstring before and after exercise.
* Cycling: try biking with a high seat, because it forces the legs to stretch longer and then stretch your muscles and joints. The bike can be done either on a standard bike or a stationary bike at home. If you choose outdoors, make sure you can reach the pedals do not adjust the seat to a level that is uncomfortable or you may find it difficult to control the bike, which could easily result in injury to yourself or another person. * Swimming: Swimming is great exercise, if you do gain in height. It relaxes and stretches the joints and optimum mobility and weightlessness. Swimming requires you to use your whole body to strengthen and stretch all its members.
If you start to perform certain exercises that I have shared with you on a regular basis, you can finally grow up and approach the height of his dream.

Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/bodybuilding-articles/tips-and-how-to-grow-taller-exercises-4741983.html#ixzz1NvlPSGM6
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